Bitonic FinTech Award winner

Yesterday Bitonic has won the Dutch Fintech award in the Bitcoin category - one of the awards for the most promising financial startups. This is an achievement of which we are very proud!

Over four hundred participants from the financial world were present at the presentation of the awards at ABN Amro's headquarters. An 'overall winner' was chosen from the six different categories.

Adyen was the big winner of the Dutch Fintech Awards 2015 and may call itself the first Dutch Fintech Company of the Year. Besides Adyen an award was presented to AcceptEmail (payments), BUX (personal finance), Five Degrees (Banking & IT), Spark Holder (Intelligence & Analytics), Symbid (SME Finance), and to us.

Since its founding in 2012, Bitonic has traded over 250.000 bitcoins in the Netherlands. The award is a great reward for this achievement!

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