Our policy on anonymous proxies

Bitonic is a proponent of privacy enhancing measures and we can sympathize with you taking measures to secure your privacy by using anonymous proxies, such as TOR. In our opinion, this does not necessarily mean you have something to hide. In fact, you might have legitimate reasons for doing so.

However, preventing fraud and other illegal activities as best as we can, is our highest priority.

In addition to our continuity being endangered if we facilitate fraud and other prohibited activities, we also belief that Bitcoin has the potential to change or inspire currently accepted systems to improve. This includes, of course, financial traffic, but the blockchain technology has a much greater potential.

Just as is the case with cash money, a means to store value such as bitcoin, will always be used for illegal activities in one way or another. Because we cannot facilitate such activities, transactions with any suspicious property may be frozen automatically by our fraud detection system, until one of our employees can verify the transaction.

Anonymous proxies are often used by cybercriminals, which may cause them to be blacklisted or appear in suspicous activities. Even though we do not block these proxies in advance, in some cases legitimate transactions may be halted if they were done through anonymous proxies.

We would like to point out that iDeal, MisterCash and SEPA payments are not anonymous payment methods in any case. This is why we advise against using anonymous proxies when buying or selling bitcoins on our website. If you desire to do this regardless, we hope you can understand there is a risk your transaction may be delayed and/or you may be contacted by us in order to verify the legitimacy of your transaction.

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Toestemming Live Chat

De Live Chat is een dienst van MessageBird B.V. die (o.a.) onderworpen is aan de AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) en stelt dat zij uw gegevens niet gebruiken voor commercieel gewin. Om de Live Chat te laden, vragen we u toestemming te geven voor de verwerking van de gegevens die u via de Live Chat met ons deelt. Door dit venster te sluiten zonder toestemming te geven, wordt de chat niet geladen en worden er geen gegevens gedeeld.
Voor verdere informatie verwijzen wij graag naar de Privacyverklaring van MessageBird.