Payment processing during Easter

On friday 25 march, Good Friday, both domestic and international payments will not be processed due to Good Friday being a bank holiday. Monday, 28 march, Easter Monday, is also a bank holiday.

This means normal sell orders will take longer than usual to process. The verification of bank accounts will also be limited during the holidays.

Buying bitcoins with iDEAL and MisterCash remains possible. Selling bitcoins also remains possible, however, keep in mind that after 12:00 on thursday, 24 march, we cannot process regular sell orders until tuesday, 29 march.

Urgent payments during these holidays will still be processed on a ´best effort´ basis, but are limited to ING, ABN Amro and SNS bank accounts only.

In the past, banks have had trouble processing payments in a timely manner on the first day after Easter Monday. Note that this may result in a delay of the processing of all regular sell orders.

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Toestemming Live Chat

De Live Chat is een dienst van MessageBird B.V. die (o.a.) onderworpen is aan de AVG (Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming) en stelt dat zij uw gegevens niet gebruiken voor commercieel gewin. Om de Live Chat te laden, vragen we u toestemming te geven voor de verwerking van de gegevens die u via de Live Chat met ons deelt. Door dit venster te sluiten zonder toestemming te geven, wordt de chat niet geladen en worden er geen gegevens gedeeld.
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