Celebrating 10 years Bitcoin whitepaper

This coming 31st of October – exactly 10 years after the publication of the Bitcoin whitepaper- Financial History of Amsterdam, together with Bitonic, will be hosting a gathering in the light of this historical event. Over the past ten years, even Satoshi Nakamoto would not have forecasted the impact Bitcoin would have as it has now.

At the Beurs of Berlage we shall gather to raise the glass on this special occasion. Simon Lelieveldt of Financial History of Amsterdam will explain why the Beurs of Berlage can be seen as a symbol of revolt and how this philosophy plays a role in Bitcoin.

Besides Amsterdams’ Beurs of Hendrick de Keyser being the world’s first ever stock exchange, Amsterdam also has played a key role in the evolution of cryptography and digital money. At the CWI, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, research lead by David Chaum back in the eighties already focused on cryptography based payment system, Ecash (1981). This research resulted in DigiCash (1994), which is often seen as the precursor of Bitcoin (2008).

Gathering at such a special location will provide peer-to-peer networking and sharing of memories of the past ten years.

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