Invest in bitcoin
with ease

Only bitcoin, no hype coins.

Bitcoin only

Buy, sell, save & store

Bitcoin for people with a hobby

Would you rather spend all day on your hobby instead of watching the bitcoin price? With Bitonic, you can invest with ease, so you can keep doing what you love most. For example, Jos can continue building a beautiful landscape for his model trains.

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Call: +31(0)20 226 5289

We are available by phone on weekdays between and , or you can use the chat or email. As the first bitcoin company in the Netherlands, we have all the necessary knowledge to assist you with any questions.

Get in touch



12 years of experience

Bitonic started as the first bitcoin company in the Netherlands and remains the only true bitcoin company. We don't engage in hype coins - we don't get distracted by empty promises, quick money or the hype of the day. Only bitcoin provides peace of mind and stability.

Our story


Self-built infrastructure

Security by design

Our self-designed and developed systems and infrastructure, combined with open-source software, ensure the highest and most robust security standards. By minimising reliance on third parties, we can guarantee optimal protection for your bitcoin, privacy and data.

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Academy partners

An app designed
to be left alone

  • Only bitcoin, one clear overview
  • The most user friendly interface
  • No intrusive push notifications

Ready to start

Start with bitcoin?

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Peace of mind


Bitonic app

Invest in bitcoin with ease with the Bitonic app. One clear overview with only bitcoin and no distraction from hype coins.

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Create a savings plan that suits you and automatically buy small amounts of bitcoin. Save for the future with ease, without impulsive decisions.

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Buy and sell large amounts of bitcoin with ease and discretion through our OTC service. We offer personalised service and competitive fees.

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Trade bitcoin securely and efficiently with different order types, low transaction fees and high security standards.




Buy and sell bitcoin for your business with personalised guidance. Bitonic is your strategic partner to help your enterprise benefit from bitcoin.

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Education offers relevant and reliable information about bitcoin. Find the latest bitcoin news, guides, and more. The platform for unlimited bitcoin knowledge (Dutch).


Bitonic app mockup

Start your bitcoin
journey with Bitonic

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For more information please review the MessageBird Privacy Policy.