Complaints procedure

Article 1 Definitions

In this complaints procedure, the following definitions shall apply:

  • Complaint: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the customer towards Bitonic B.V. and/or the products and/or services provided by Bitonic B.V., the persons working under its responsibility about the conclusion and execution of an agreement and/or the quality of the service;
  • Complainant: the customer or his representative who makes a complaint known;
  • Customer: person who has created an account on the Bitonic/BL3P platform or has taken the first step(s) for creating an account;
  • Complaints Officer: the Bitonic employee in charge of handling the complaint.

Article 2 Scope of application

  1. This complaints scheme applies to any agreement between Bitonic BV and a Bitonic/BL3P customer;
  2. The complaints officer shall ensure complaint handling in accordance with the complaints procedure.

Article 3 Objectives

The objectives of this complaints scheme are:

  1. Establishing a procedure to deal with customer complaints constructively within a reasonable period of time;
  2. Establishing a procedure to determine the causes of customer complaints;
  3. Maintain and improve existing relationships through proper complaint handling
  4. Training employees in customer-focused response to complaints;
  5. Improving service quality through complaint handling and complaint analysis.

Article 4 Internal complaint procedure

  1. If a client approaches the firm with a complaint, the complaint will be forwarded to the complaints officer;
  2. The complaints officer confirms the receipt of the complaint within 5 working days and informs the complainant about the procedure, also the complaint is entered in the complaints register;
  3. The complaints officer, if the complaint concerns an employee of Bitonic BV, notifies the person who has filed the complaint and gives the complainant and the person complained about the opportunity to explain the complaint;
  4. The person who has been complained about tries to reach a solution together with the client and the complaints officer;
  5. The complaints officer settles the complaint within four weeks of receiving the complaint or informs the complainant of any deviation from this deadline, giving reasons, stating the period within which an opinion on the complaint will be given;
  6. The complaints officer shall notify the complainant and the person complained about in writing of the opinion on the merits of the complaint, whether or not accompanied by recommendations; If the complaint is settled satisfactorily, the settlement and the result of the settlement are recorded in the complaints register.

Article 5 Confidentiality and free handling of complaints

  1. The complaints officer and the person complained about shall observe confidentiality in handling complaints;
  2. The complainant shall not be charged for the costs of handling the complaint.

Article 6 Responsibilities

  1. The complaints officer is responsible for the timely handling of the complaint;
  2. The person complained about shall keep the Complaints Officer informed about any contact and possible resolution;
  3. The complaints officer keeps the complainant informed about the resolution of the complaint;
  4. The complaints officer maintains the complaint file.

Article 7 Registration of complaints

  1. The Complaints Officer shall register the complaint along with the complaint subject;
  2. A complaint may be divided into several topics;
  3. The complaints officer reports periodically on the handling of complaints and makes recommendations to prevent new complaints, as well as to improve procedures;
  4. At least once a year, the reports and recommendations are discussed at the office and submitted for decision-making.

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