Contact us

Most questions are answered in our FAQ. Feel free to contact us if you did not see your question answered on that page. We are available from 09:30 until 20:30 and during the weekend from 10:00 until 18:00 (contact form and chat) and aim to respond within the hour.

Please provide your bank account number or bitcoin address if your question is related to a payout or receiving bitcoin, this enables us to help you as fast as we can!

Be advised that after verification a cooldown period of 2 to 8 hours is in place. After that the bitcoin will be sent automatically.

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Live Chat Consent

The live chat is a service provided by MessageBird B.V. which is (a.o.) subject to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and states they do not use your data for commercial gain. In order to load the Live Chat we ask you to consent to the processing of any data shared with us using the chat. By closing this window without giving consent the chat will not load and no data will be shared.
For more information please review the MessageBird Privacy Policy.