Research & Development

Bitonic was founded from a passion for technology. Since 2012 Bitonic has been involved with the technical development of Bitcoin. Besides being an active sponsoring partner for many technical conferences, we also supply development power and time to the improvement of the Bitcoin-protocol and related projects.

The Bitcoin-protocol & layers

We contribute actively to the developments of the Lightning-protocol and in addition experiment with technologies such as Atomic Swaps, Timestamping, Mimblewimble, and Side Chains. With the help of this knowledge we form the correct vision and try to contribute as much as possible to the enhancement of protocols and a healthy ecosystem.

Blockchain research

Lightning Network

The Lightning Network can be seen as a “second-layer” technology that has been built on top of the bitcoin-protocol.

The Lightning Network is the game-changer of bitcoin. By the use of this technology it creates the possibility to do an enormous amount of transactions instantly without decreasing its decentrality and robustness. The transactions are instant and micro transactions become possible.

Global Lightning Network

Atomic cross-chain trading

A promising technology that is possible through bitcoin is Atomic cross-chain trading. Thanks to the creation of Segregated Witness it is now possible to exchange assets/tokens through different (block)chains. This leads to new use cases.

Atomic Swaps

Blockchain explorer

One of the best resources to retrieve information about the Bitcoin blockchain is's mempool and blockchain explorer. Mempool is an open source project. For the integration on we use our own Bitcoin node and servers in the Netherlands. We like to support projects that are valuable to the community and are therefore community sponsor of the project.

Block explorer

Contributions & Cases

De verduurzaming van de mining industrie

De verduurzaming van de mining industrie

Voor het minen van bitcoin wordt steeds vaker gebruik gemaakt van energie dat is opgewekt op een duurzame manier. Het energieverbruik van Bitcoin is een lastig en vaak verkeerd begrepen onderwerp. 58,5% van de hashrate is volgens de Bitcoin Mining Council afkomstig van miners die duurzame energiebronnen gebruiken. Dit is, in vergelijking met andere industrieën, een aanzienlijk hoog percentage. Ook in Nederland wordt er geëxperimenteerd met het verduurzamen van mining, zo maakt een tuinder in Nistelrode gebruik van de restwarmte afkomstig van miners om een kas te verwarmen.

25 May 2022

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